Helping Young People Remove Explicit Images Online: The Report Remove Tool

Helping Young People Remove Explicit Images Online: The Report Remove Tool

With the rise of AI-generated content, deepfakes, and online exploitation, it’s more important than ever for children and young people to have tools that help protect them.

One such tool is Report Remove, a vital service that helps young people under 18 report and remove sexual images or videos of themselves from the internet - including those created or altered using AI.

What is Report Remove?

Report Remove is a free and confidential tool created by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Childline, designed to help young people remove nude images of themselves from the internet.

It doesn’t matter whether or not an image was shared under pressure, or whether or not it is AI-generated - if a young person wants it taken down, Report Remove can help. Importantly, it allows them to report the image without needing to directly report it to the police if they don’t wish to.

Why Is This Important?

The sharing of explicit images - whether real or AI-generated - can have serious consequences. Many young people experience embarrassment, fear, and extreme distress when private images are shared without their consent.

This tool empowers them to take action quickly, reducing the risk of long-term harm. By reporting an image through Report Remove, they can stop it from spreading further and help to prevent it from resurfacing in the future.

It is against the law for anyone to share a sexual image or video of someone under 18 in the UK, and similar laws exist in many other countries.

How to Access Report Remove

Young people can access Report Remove through the Childline website:👉

And you can watch this video for more information:

If you know a young person who may need support, share this tool with them—it could make all the difference.

At the Safe AI for Children Alliance, we are committed to protecting children from the risks posed by AI. Tools like Report Remove play an essential role in helping young people stay safe in an increasingly digital world.

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