The Risks to Children from Griefbots - New Video

The Risks to Children from Griefbots - New Video

Griefbots - AI chatbots that aim to simulate loved ones who have passed away - present numerous significant risks to children.

Many of the main risks to children from griefbots are outlined in this article. We are happy to now also offer this talk at the Shield Global Online Safety Conference, by SAIFCA Director, Tara Steele.

In it, Tara explains what griefbots are, how they are being used, and the main risks they pose for children.

She talks about how these technologies risk disrupting children's grieving process, causing significant psychological harm, and introduce confusion in children's understanding of death.

There's also discussion about the research that must happen before we even consider allowing children access to griefbots.

You can read more about the risks to children from griefbots here, and please consider subscribing to our newsletter to keep up to date on how to reduce the risks from AI to children:

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